WAG: an anthology of dog tales - true stories about a remarkable Dalmatian named Spot.

Animal Companions: Forever Remembered, Forever Loved - a place on the internet for family and friends to find comfort and solace during and after the death of a pet.

Adopt-a-Dalmatian - a national internet resource for adoptable Dalmatians.

Animal Angels - a non-profit foundation that aides in the rescue, rehabilitation and placement of animals.

Big Bark Bakery - local Dallas shop that strives to provide the freshest, healthiest, tastiest all-natural treats for your dog!

K-9 University - a great place to train or board your Dalmatian. Many of our own rescue dogs are boarded at K-9 University.

Urban Animal - Dallas Magazine devoted to area rescue efforts!

Some Assembly Required - check out the "Dalmatian of the Day" on this blog.

Spotsters - a terrific web site that specializes in spotted paraphernalia for Dalmatian lovers!

American Kennel Club
- the American Kennel Club's page on Dalmatians.

East Lake Pet Orphanage - One of the Dallas area's best no kill shelters

Animal Rescue League - an all-volunteer organization dedicated to the quality care of homeless, sick, and/or abused animals in the North Texas area.

Francis's DogHouse! - a portion of the proceeds from items purchased through this site are used to purchase badly needed items for shelters around the country.

Petfinder - a comprehensive national listing of adoptible pets.

The Pooch Patio - The Ulti-mutt place to congregate and socialize with your pets.

Dalmatian Rescue of North Miami Beach - large Florida based Dalmatian Rescue organization.

Dotters - a site committed to offering straight-forward information about training, owning and breeding Dalmatians

Rescue Greetings - attractive greeting cards that benefit Dalmatian Rescue and other fine rescue organizations.

Kentucky Dalmatian Rescue - Lexington, KY group that rescues Dalmatians from surrounding areas and adopt to responsible homes in the US.

Second Chances Dalmatian Rescue - an Ohio based rescue group that we have partnered with on calendars and other projects.

Dalmatian Station - the newest addition to Austin's Lucky Mutts web site. A great group of people helping Dals in South Texas.

Nixon's Top Dog - a great place to buy that special gift for your Dalmatian.


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